Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Week 8- Thing 19


     Thing 19 asked that we look at the list of Web 2.0 Award Winners and pick one to explore and post about.  I choose to explore and post about Zimdesk.  Zimdesk reminds me of things like Zoho Writer and in that you can create a Zimdesk account and it will save the information that is important to you and make it accessible to you from any computer on your own virtual operating system.  Zimdesk is more like an operating system in that it not only saves links and documents, which you can do through other applications, but it is all encompassing and also provides you access to your messages, games, files, etc, from any computer! It gives you access to a wealth of your information no matter where you are. 

    Here is some information from their site:

    "Zimdesk is your computer on the web

 Essentially, Zimdesk is a web operating system or webOS, providing internet users with FREE access to a virtual desktop, online drive, file manager and a comprehensive range of 'on demand' web based applications for work and entertainment.

Zimdesk provides all the features and functionality you would expect from a standard desktop PC. The BIG difference is that zimdesk runs from your browser, allowing you to access all your applications, files, games and accessories from any PC ... anywhere in the world.

Zimdesks comprehensive range of web applications includes pop3email, file manager, sidebar, RSS, browser, word processor, spreadsheet, calendar, tasks manager, accessories/widgets, web messenger, video conference, media player,Internet radio, web TV, games, zimcommunity, zimblog ... and much more."

     I would recommend that anyone check out Zimdesk and create an account with them to see what they have to offer at  It is a helpful tool in that it can do everything that some of the applications we have learned about can do, and so much more.  It is just a good tool to have so that you can have access to important date anywhere in the world.  And I would recommend that any floridian take advantage of this because with hurricane season sometimes displacing people it is good to have access to records form anywhere.

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