Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Week 8-Thing 18


Zoho Writer


     We are winging down on 23 things and I can honestly say that I am going to miss having the opportunity to learn about new tools.  I hope that administration will create another 23 things or different projects for us to do and learn about more fun and useful tools. 

    At Belle Glade for our staff meetings we each have a week where we discuss a website that we think other staff members would find useful.  Daniel did Googledocs as his website one week.  So even though at the time I had no familiarized myself with it, I knew that it existed and was there.  I had never heard of Zoho Writer before though, and am glad to have the opportunity to become aquainted with it.


     I think that Zoho Writer is an online application that our patrons can benefit from.  A lot of times we have patrons come in and work on a project in our word processing document only to realize that the computer they have been on doesn't have a disk drive and they are unable to save their information.  We normally tell them to email the document to themselves and then copy and paste it into word processing the next time they are at a computer.  However, if they have a Zoho Writer account they can just go ahead and do there work on there and save it and will then be able to access it from any computer, and not be in a bind if they realize that the computer they have worked on doesn't have a disk drive or if they leave their flash drive at home.


     I am going to play with Zoho Writer some more and familiarize myself with all that it has to offer because I honestly think that it's a great tool to have access to.  I would recommend to anyone working on any type of document to save a backup copy on Zoho Writer in case they go somewhere and forget their flash drive or disk.  That way they will still have access to their work when needed. 


     I have written this in Zoho Writer and now I am going to practice some more by publishing it to my blog from heresmile

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