Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 9 Youtube

I really enjoyed this exercise because I have used Youtube in the past and like using it to look for snippets of things I may have missed on tv, music videos, quirky homemade videos...you name it, you can find it on Youtube.

The first video that I chose to share is the Wall-E trailer, because I just LOVE that movie! Wall-E reminds me of ET. For some reason when I try to embed the trailer I get a red x. This is disappointing because it is a trailer that I REALLY wanted to share!

You can check out the trailer at the following link:

And in the meantime, you can watch this fun video showing what happens when you put Christmas lights in the microwave!

I like everything about Youtube. There is nothing that I can say that I dislike. I chose the videos that I did because they are things that I enjoy viewing and I thought that other staff members might enjoy them as well. As far as how I think Youtube can be useful to PBCLS, well, instead of just writing about what we are going to do we can make fun videos to show people just how enjoyable our activities are and draw them in. It might be nice to have a video welcoming people to our website. Basically I think Youtube would be a good PR tool. I also think that we should have Youtube videos embedded on the pages of the database, ILL, etc., to show people how to use the database, or how to request a book, because a lot of people are more visual learners.

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