Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Week 9 23things....the end?

I must say that I really enjoyed doing the 23 things and I hope that we are giving similar projects in the future. I had fun doing it, but also learned a lot of helpful things that I can use to help our patrons.

  • My favorite discovery had to be learning about RSS feeds. I created a personal bloglines account and when I don't have much time to come online I just go there and skim through everything that I've received. It saves me a lot of time not having to go to the different sites and pick through the information myself. I also enjoyed the Flickr exercises.
  • The program has affected my lifelong learning goals in that I want to learn more about technology and new things that come out. Earlier when I went to Youtube as part of my week 9 exercises I saw that you can share with different social networks/programs that I had never heard about. But now my curiousity is peeked and I want to know if there are other cool things out that that I am missing out on, so I am more inclined to want to follow links and learn about new applications.
  • A takeaway that surprised me is that these activities are not just fluff, or things that I have to do to try and win a nice prize. I learned about tools that I have incorporated to my every day life! This has been a useful exercise.
  • The only thing that I would do differently with this program is make it longer than 9 weeks! I loved it.
  • If there is a program similar to 23 things in the future I will definitely participate. Heck, even if it's not as similar I will still participate because I enjoy learning new things!

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