Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Week 6 Del.icio.us

I discovered Del.icio.us through doing this exercise for Web 2.0 and plan to get an account for myself. I like Del.icio.us in that no matter where I am I have access to the websites that I like. In the past there have been times that I have been on vacation and I may not remember the exact name or address to a site and am unable to visit it because the information is bookmarked on my computer and I am not around my computer at that time. But with Del.icio.us I have access to my bookmarked links no matter where I am. And I see the benefit to using Del.icio.us as a research tool as well because you can carry the information with you if you go on business and have access to another computer, or are in school and go to the computer lab and decide you want to save something or pull up something. It's all there. Another benefit of Del.icio.us and its social aspect is that if you are doing research you can browse under the tag of the subject you are looking for and find other websites that you may not have known existed. So I find that Del.icio.us is a helpful tool that I will be using.

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