Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week 5- PLAY WEEK!!! Image Generators

Image Generator

For this week's exercise I am discovering many different image generators that I never knew existed. I just used the image generator at http://oneletterwords.com/ecards/saint/ to create an honorary italian grandmother certificate. The image on the left was made to show an example of what the certificate looks like.

Many other cool image generators can be found at http://generatorblog.blogspot.com/

Letter James is a very cool website for image generators as well. You can play with the pictures found on their site and even order calendars with the personalized images! I will definitely look around that site some more and play more with it later. There is lots of fun to be had there! Check it out at:http://www.letterjames.com/start.php?mod=calendar-generator

As part of the discovery exercise I would like to share a site that I found which has a lot of image generators http://www.imagegenerator.org/ They have a compilation of many different sites that have image and text generators!

Without having pictures of my own saved on this computer I am limited to how much I can play with these image generators, but I can't wait to have a second look at them at home!

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