Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Week 3- Something technological that interests me

Yesterday I took a moment to play around online and do some research on rss feeds, since we will be working with them during Week 4 of 23 things and I didn't know a single thing about them. While searching around online I found that google has an rss feed reader, and I wanted to share that as something technological that interests me because I think that it will be useful for anyone who does week 4 and becomes interested in rss feeds to know that this tool is available.

You can take a tour of the Google Reader at:

The thing that I like about Google reader is that we can use our 23 things gmail account to access google reader from any computer with internet access. Google reader allows you to add subscriptions to different rss feeds that interest you. That way google reader automatically updates you when new information is available and you have access to all of your feeds in one place. You can also search their directory to find more feeds that interest you and you can subscribe to. The reader also allows you to share information with your friends, and has a customizable clip that you can add to the side of your blog or website, and it will display your latest shared items in a sidebar. Another bonus is that Google reader works with any mobile phone browser, so it will allow you access to your information on the go. So if while working on week 4 of 23 things you get bitten by the rss bug, then Google Reader may be just the tool for you.

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