Tuesday, May 20, 2008

7 1/2 Habits of highly successful learners

Here I was trying to think about something to blog about and coming up empty handed, so it's a good thing the 23 things team would like for us to write our first blog on the 7 1/2 habits. Thanks. That takes the guess work out of trying to figure out what to write atleast this time around! I don't know that I will be using this blog for much other than the 23 things project and maybe adding some library blogs that I can relate to/learn from. I know I would be treating this as an actual journal, because I have a hard time being that open knowing that people I know irl and through work will read it.

I have an AS in Staff Accounting, and through the business courses I took as part of my degree I became familiar with the 7 1/2 habits years ago. Can't say I've always applied them effectively.

The part of the presentation that I agree with the most is at the end after presenting the 7 1/2 habits where they suggest how to impliment them. I think that writing down your goals is a good idea and coming up with the steps to achieve your goal. Having it in writing helps to keep me on task with what I am doing, and signing a contract and having steps to accomplish helps to keep me honest with myself.

I am enjoying this 23 thing activity at work. I think it was a good idea for administration to give us something for us to work on at our own pace and learn more about technology. We always have patrons who ask us how to do every little thing, like we are supposed to know everything there is to know, but with this we can atleast became a little more internet savy. I am also a big fan of message boards, myspace, IMs, etc, so I personally enjoy the opportunity to learn more things that I can use for fun in my life and having more tech toys to play with;-P I just wish that we were still having an ATD. I understand the decision to do away with it because saving money to save jobs is more important, IMO, but I am glad that we are still getting learning opportunities like this to supplement our learning.

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