Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ideas on how blogging can be used in libraries...

I have a few ideas on how blogging can be used in libraries. For one, if we have a blog for our library we can update patrons with more current information on events and happenings without the expense of having to print flyers and posters, or the time consuming task of calling patrons. If we had a blog which allowed users to comment back it would also serve as a forum for patrons to give us their input, and tell us their thoughts and feelings.

Blog use is also a good way for us to keep up with other staff members and read about the happenings at their libraries. It is interesting to see others share the same experiences, as well as read about different experiences that what we may have at our branch. One thing that I plan to use blogger.com for is to read blogs from other libraries around the country and their happenings. It should prove interesting.

Another good way to use blogging would be for staff to hold blogging computer classes with both teens and adults to show them how to create and use a blog. I think patrons would enjoy learning how to use a blog.

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