Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Week 3- My flickr photo

El Dedo de Dios

I really enjoyed week 3 of 23 things. It was fun looking at images on flickr and learning about the different things that the website has to offer. One of the features that I really enjoy is the map feature because you can find pictures that average folks have taken from different parts of the world. It is a very neat way of organizing the photographs.

The photograph that I have chosen to share is of 'El Dedo de Dios', from Gran Canaria. My mom is originally from the Canary Islands and I have visited family there before. During my last visit when I was 16 I was able to travel more. One of the things that I saw was 'El Dedo de Dios', which means 'God's finger' in English. The rock formation got it's name because to many the top portion looks like a finger pointing to the sky. This landmark had sentimental value for many people. I was disappointed to learn recently that a while back there was a severe storm and the winds knocked the finger part off of the formation and into the water. This was heartbreaking to many of the people who lived in the area because they had sentimental value attached to El Dedo. I heard that government officials were looking into ways in which the "finger" part would be able to be lifted out from the water and reattached to the rock. The last I heard it seemed to be a near impossible undertaking and hope was being lost, but I hope that they find a way.

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